Saturday, January 10, 2009

101 Ways To Stop The Money Leak: What Matters to You

Make a list of the 10 most important things in your life. Next to each item, rank them in order of importance using numbers 1 through 10.

The purpose of this exercise is to help you see the things you consider the most and least important and to provide you with a visual of why you need to save.

Some examples of things that a person might put on their list include new home, car, special trip, artwork, starting a business, or pay off debts.

Sometimes it pays to itemize how you are going to get those items. For example if you go for the new home first you could use the equity from the home to purchase a car.

However if you went for the car first you would more then likely struggle to get the home.

See what I mean?

Sit down and itemize what you want and then draw up a plan for how you can achieve those results.

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