Friday, April 10, 2009

101 Ways To Stop The Money Leak: See your Successes

It is important to have an understanding of money. Keep a journal where you can see your successes when it comes to saving money.

This is a difficult task and takes time to learn but worth it. By keeping a list of the situations or ways you have saved money in front of you, you will be encouraged to keep going.

These successes can be small or large.

For example, if you normally buy your lunch, costing you from $5.00 to $7.00 per day and one week straight you packed your own lunch for $3.00 per day that is a success.

If you wanted to buy a new dress but held off until it went on sale, saving 50%, that is another success.

Saving money requires some investigative skills, desire, determination, and creativity. Once you get in the habit of saving money, you will feel better about yourself and enjoy life much more
without debt hanging over your head!

Hopefully these tips will help you plug some of those big money leaks and I’m sure just by thinking about it you will think of many more ways to save money in your own life.

All the best

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