Tuesday, March 10, 2009

101 Ways To Stop The Money Leak: Challenge the Doctor/Hospital

If you have stayed in the hospital recently, you know the outrageous charges associated with every thing used. While you could buy a box of bandages for a small cut in the drug store for
$5.00, at the hospital, they will charge you $10 for one bandage.

While the government and insurance companies are cracking down on these charges, you should check things closely and challenge anything that is ridiculously priced.

The same is true for your doctor. One woman having a hysterectomy was asked by her doctor if she wanted her appendix removed at the same time.

The patient thought it was a good idea and agreed. However, after the surgery when the bill came, there was an additional $1,200 for the removal of the appendix although the doctor never
mentioned an extra charge.

The woman called her doctor to discuss and the doctor removed the charge. If something seems way out of balance, question it.

Something else that most people do not know about is what is called “professional courtesy.” If you are having financial difficulties, you can ask your doctor if they will write off any balance owed as a professional courtesy.

Many will and if not the full amount, at least some.

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