Saturday, May 30, 2009

What should I do for my wedding with little money and a huge family I am very close with?

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What should I do for my wedding with little money and a huge family I am very close with?

Cake and punch reception. Those are fine; you can serve light finger foods if you'd like, but it isn't necessary. Just make sure to say something like "Cake and punch reception to follow" on your invitations so people know not to expect a full meal. If you do not have enough food for your guests to fill up on, simply plan your wedding for a time of day that is not thought of as a mealtime. Do your research when it comes to getting married in a park pavilion. Yes, the park space is free...but only if no one who has PAID to use the pavilion is using it. I have reserved a pavilion in my park to give me dibs, just in case. Something like that should still be pretty affordable, though. (My park has pavilion rental fees of $10.00/hour for pavilions with bathrooms and $5.00/hour for those without. We're getting with.) Also make sure you don't need a permit to get married in the park. If you do get married in the park or your home/yard, think about having a judge or justice of the peace perform the ceremony. It is generally a service they perform for their constituents, so they may not charge fees and the expected tip will be smaller than that generally given to a minister. (Ministers have religious ceremonies to perform and spend much longer preparing; they also don't make nearly as much as civil servants. Judges, on the other hand, make good salaries for offering their services and spend about five or ten minutes on your wedding.) Sometimes your church will let you borrow chairs and tables to set up. And flowers...silks, silks, silks. Some people hate them, but florists cost soooo much and you can't make sure you're getting what you want. This way, you can make your bouquets/boutanniers early and to your specifications, and they will last forever. Have a friend who is handy with a digital camera take some photos and email you the shots. You can later print and organize as you are able. Here's a great website for money-saving ideas. (No, I'm not spamming it. I just like some -- but not all -- of its suggestions.)

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